Thursday, March 12, 2009

2 weeks old with her proud Grandmother

The day you came home from the hospital ;-)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

She had LOTS of dark hair... was a great sleeper... took to her bottle perfectly.... hardly cried, just when hungry... never seemed like a ''NEWBORN" she was soooo alert and held her head up high at just a day old.... and since i was in the hospital for a week, all the nurses and staff and friends and relatives loved holding her and all tried their best to help me out with naming her.. i had too many names and just couldn't decide! finally the first name was ISABELLA, first middle name is SUZANNAH,(after your grandmother) and second middle name is Kate, after me (Katherine), and sooo you were NAMED!! ;-)

"On the day that you were born the Angels got together and decided to make a DREAM come true...."


born September 8, 2008

at 3:3o p.m.

weighed 8lbs. and 15oz

(although the next day you weighed 9lbs and 2oz. go figure?)

length of 20 1/2 inches

It was a HOTTT summer day, even tho i wasn't feeling good, i didn't realize i was having contractions, just KNEW they were Braxton hicks since my due date wasn't for two more weeks. I decided to waddle myself in to get checked , and to my surprise i was 7cm dilated, so with fairy godmother Gaylin and Dr. Holland we went next door to the hospital and with in an hour or so i was at 9cm and ready for my all NATURAL childbirth, wich i swear wasn't bad at all, and in 15minutes she was born! Post stitches hurt more than labor! I was very lucky for that!